Yesterday then, we went to the botanical gardens in Reykjavik and found a few things to photgraph. A pretty rock garden....
A humble bumble bee doing it's thing...
Lots and lots of pretty flowers....
This bird ....
......splashing around in this lovely water garden.
There were also children aplently pulling the leaves and sometimes the plants out of the water feature in the botanical garden cafe (not pictured to protect their destructive little identities) and dropping their plastic cars in the pond.
Snorri made it to the Vikingaheimer with us to see the Islandingur, a replica Viking ship. More on the museum and the ship on the DARC blog when Neil gets around to blogging.
And of course.... in Reykjavik, there are cats everywhere. Ragnarr the cat visited us again briefly this morning before we checked out of the Erikr RauĂ°i. This kitty was found in a wool shop in downtown Reykjavik.
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