Tuesday, August 23, 2005

more pre-vacation jitters

Apparently, I'm nesting - big time. Is it really that crazy to want to just stay home? With the doggie and the kitty and the garden?

I'm sure I'll enjoy myself on this vacation - I've left home before and done so! But I'm being a lug again. I woke up in the middle of the night to listen to the cat getting healthier all the time - scratching the carpet in the middle of the night. And then couldn't get back to sleep because I was worried about the dog's first time in a kennel when we go on vacation.

So eventually I did get back to sleep, only to wake up again with a dream of setting a friend's tent on fire. Now where did that come from?

Strangely enough, I'm having Post-MichFest withdrawal symptoms. The Michigan Womyns' Music Festival is where I used to go every August, back in the days when I was a lesbian. Pre-bisexuality and Hubby.
The festival's just finished and I'm haunting the discussion forum for stories and looking for pics online. It's a physical sensation - my memory of being there, even 'though it's now been 6 years or so since I was last there. I'm going to have to go back again some year.



Diana said...

Oh, it is tough leaving the furry ones, isn't it. We are facing placing our beloved dog in a kennel next summer for a 3 week stint on the West coast. Fortunately, we should be able to board her in the kennel where she was born and where her parents, grandparents and all still live. Very doggy, very nice.

Anonymous said...

Go with it. Like you I am ALL about home and hearth. Sometimes, though, a change of pace makes us realise how nice it is to truly 'come home'.
Oh, and, don't worry about the puppy, as I do EVERY time we bring her. She (or he) will be fine.

Karen said...

Thanks diana and jo,

I'll just keep telling myself that they'll be fine and eventually I'll be fine. :)

It will be nice to not wake up in the middle of the night to carpet scratching, or the dog alerting us to the presence of the cat.
