Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Mostly about the Lilies

One of the garden blogs that I added recently to my "read 'em faithfully" list (off on the sidebar there) is another Karen's 1-2-3 Go Garden! Karen is also in south-western Ontario, and boy, does she really know her lilies!

But I don't. I keep planting the tags next to any new additions, because I know I'm never going to memorize them, but some act of nature keeps squirreling them away. It's always possible that I mean that literally.... but why would the squirrels want bits of plastic?

So the long and short of it is.... I can't tell you any more about these lilies except that this one is yellow.

And this one has spots...

And so does this one...

This one is sort of pink....

This one is sort of a purplish red.

And this yellow one is next to the thyme.

They're all darn pretty 'though.

Feel free to pass on their names, if you recognize them. I'll write up some new labels for the squirrels to steal.


1 comment:

Philosophical Karen said...

Hi, I will stick to the daylilies because I don't know much about asiatics.

Your "spotted" orange daylily is merely blemished. I don't have a lot of orange in my garden, so I'm not familiar with that one. The full pink one looks similar to 'Barbara Mitchell' but is likely something else. I'm thinking that your purplish red one might be 'Russian Rhapsody'.

As for tags, keep them in an envelope or album. Write on the back of the tag the location of the plant in the garden.