Wednesday, May 10, 2006

You know...

You know you've been gardening too much lately when....

1. You walk by the perennial gardens on the campus and are tempted to weed them.

2. You start to think about all the space on campus that could be used as community gardens.

3. You close your eyes to go to sleep and all you can see on the inside of your eyelids are dandelions.

4. The dandelions start to talk back to you.

5. The dandelions take over your husband's brain and make him turn the lawn mower on so they'll be chopped back only a little and not actually yanked out completely by the roots.

Feel free to add more....



Diana said...

6. The soil has penetrated through the gardening gloves and the first layer of skin, resulting in a very grimy-looking, but organic tattoo. One that will have to wear off.

7. You drive by gardening shops after hours, shining your car lights through the chain-link fencing, trying to see through your binoculars if they have the variety of aubergines you've been searching for.

Karen said...

8. You tell all your co-workers about what a productive day you had yesterday when you went home early and weeded and overseeded the lawn before the week of rain.

9. You put your wellies on and keep right on planting and weeding in the rain, rationalizing that the ground is easier to dig when wet anyway.

Anonymous said...

10. Your excitment for the day includes checking out the recently transplanted raspberries to count the number of new leaves, just to make sure their adjusting properly to their new lcoation.

Diana said...

11. You realize how much easier it is to pull out the whole dandelion, root and all when it's raining.